I've got pictures of my more recent snail-related products as well as some of the other things I've been working on. I don't have the greatest pictures in the world; pretty much everything I take a picture of looks ten times better in real life. The husband says it probably has something to do with the difference between digital and real film, and I think I might try playing around with the flash to see if that might have something to do with it.
At any rate, the first picture is of stitch markers I made a while back using shrinkable plastic paper. I traced my logo onto it a lot of times, colored it, cut it out, punched holes in the tops for the metal rings, and after they were all baked, I attached the metal hoops and lobster clips. They're pretty cute, but because they all melted in a convex fashion, taking a picture was hard because the flash bounced off them at funny angles.
Next up is a mix of Halloween-themed toys (or decorations, depending on how you use them) that I've made for family members. I'm still working on getting the pattern down right; they turn out a little too cylindrical for my tastes. Still, they're cute and I'm going to make some more today.

The last project with the snails that I have completed (and have images of) are little charms I made. I used gold-colored wire to make a little mesh sphere for the shells with a bead inside. Then I made the eyestalks with more wire and beads. I put the whole thing together with Fimo clay and baked it. They are a lot larger than they should be in proportion to their shells, but at least my first batch is successfully cute. :) Now I just need to get pictures of them on a chain to show what they'd look like on a necklace.

I do have other snails that I've recently made, but they're not quite done yet. I made a lot yesterday using yarn and Crayola Model Magic, but they're drying. I also made leaves and bodies for more snails that will be magnets, but I'm letting them dry before adding the shells later today. I'll take pictures, of course! The snail magnets made with yarn balls for their shells? Extremely cute!! I can't wait to get pictures of them up to show people.
At any rate, it's time to get back to watching my World War II documentaries and working on pumpkins and spiders. Since my cat doesn't seem to want to go outside today (I think it's going to rain, and she knows it), I guess I'll just have to do all this from the comfort of my couch instead of my porch. Have a great day!
Oh those little snail charms are adorable!! Both the shrinky ones and the clay ones. Love to see the ones with the yarn... bet they're cute too!
Thank you! Sorry I didn't get back to your comment sooner; I've had my head in a basket of yarn. :) Glad to hear from a fellow crafter!
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