Behold the cuteness of the turnip jack-o-lantern!

I was playing around on Etsy, looking at various Halloween decorations, and I remembered from school how we all learned that the Irish actually used turnips (because they didn't have pumpkins, duh) to turn into lanterns. Now, it's under dispute as to whether the turnip lanterns were originally associated with Halloween, and no one's completely sure how jack-o-lanterns got their names, but one thing is for sure: now that jack-o-lanterns are here, they sure are cute and fun to make! I already made a bunch of pumpkin jack-o-lanterns, and after a quick search on Etsy, I realized that there were lots of those. So I looked for turnips. There were a couple crocheted turnips, but those were part of vegetable groups, not jack-o-lanterns. I texted the husband to tell him I was going to make turnip jack-o-lanterns, and he sounded less than sure about the sanity of that. But when he got home and saw the first one, he had to admit it was cute. I'll leave you with a picture of the first turnip I made. Enjoy!

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