Generally, I'm not the biggest fan of shopping trips. I'm a homebody by nature, so hours spent wandering around where there are dozens if not hundreds of other people isn't exactly my cup of tea (and since I own about seventy different varieties of tea, I know my tea). Sometimes I think it's a touch of agoraphobia (fear of crowds and wide open spaces), but mostly I figure it's because I have difficulty finding exactly what I want. It's part of the reason why I shop on-line so much, I guess.
So at any rate, I did a lot of shopping Friday. I hit Staples and picked up a scale so I can weigh things for shipping and handling prices as well as a ledger to keep track of the stuff I'm buying and then how I'm using it. I like to think it's some form of organization, but it's likely to not last long. I hit Wal-Mart for some more basic things like ribbon and wire cutters and safety goggles. You know, typical crafting gear. :) I was hoping the store would have Fimo polymer clay and Shrink-it plastic paper, but I could find neither. I swung by the local Ben Franklin's and found both. Hooray! Then since I was two doors down from True Value, I ran by there to see if they carried an attachment for our Dremel, but they don't carry it. After all that, I came home and recorded all my pertinent purchases in my new ledger.
So I've gotten more of the basic supplies and tools needed for Golden Snail Designs. I even made a bunch of little Shrink-it snails by tracing my logo and coloring it before shrinking it in the oven. I'm going to turn them into charms for stitch markers or keyrings. I think I'm going to have to spray them with a clear coat though because the marker I used to color them comes off when scratched hard enough.
Back to crafting though, I crocheted a pillowcase today and am halfway through a second. I still need to sew the buttons on them for closures then take pictures of each with and without pillows in them. I won't be selling the pillows; they're just for modeling. I still need to sew the elastic into the hats I made as well as the button embellishments. To take a break from crocheting pillowcases, I worked on the heather blue afghan for my sister. So I took a break from crocheting to...crochet. Go figure, lol. I've noticed that a lot of crafts are simply addictive. I do, however, need to get some more yarn because so far all the pillowcases I'm making are green because that's the yarn I bought in bulk. Also, one of these days I need to start getting my products up on Etsy!
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