18 August 2008

A lot of progress

I know I should be working more on the actual Etsy site itself if I'm ever going to get anything sold, but I still feel like I need to make more items before actually posting any on their site.  I guess I just want to have more than three things up there when I finally do launch all this.  So that being the case, yesterday was a whirlwind of crafting.

First off, I decided I really needed to finish a lot of the floppy hats I'd made.  I had crocheted several of them last week, but I didn't have the elastic sewn into any of them.  As an embellisment, I also wanted to sew buttons to them as well, and that needed to be done too.  So I sat down on the front porch while Kitty slinked around the yard, and I sewed the elastic into several of the hats, adding buttons as I went.  I still have three more hats to complete, but at least now I have four hats that are ready to go.

I also have been working on making pillowcases since they're pretty quick and pretty easy to make.  I have a lot of one color (forest heather), which is what I've been using to make all of these.  I really need to run out and grab a few other colors so I can start making pillowcases in something other than green.  So far, I've totally completed one pillowcase; it has its border and has the buttons sewn on.  I've nearly completed two others; they have their borders but don't have their buttons.  I started a fourth pillowcase as well, but I don't even have the front side completed on it yet, so it'll be a while.  All in all, it takes about six hours to make a pillowcase from start to finish.  Once I start making afghans to sell on-line, it's going to be interesting keeping track of how many hours those take me per blanket.  That's going to be a lot!

So the plan for today is to do some quick shopping (I need water for my fish tank) then try to finish up the other three hats and the other two pillowcases by sewing the elastic and/or buttons on them.  I'd like to spend some time on Etsy's site as well to get the rest of my storefront filled out.  The husband spent some time working on my logo for me (since he's the graphic designer), and he might get around to finishing it later when he gets home from work.  So far this is what I've got: 

It's cute, but it needs some cleaning up.  I think that living with a graphic designer has made me pretty critical when it comes to looking at designs and the like.

At any rate, I need to grab some lunch and get out the door if I want to get back to crafting any time soon.  It's hard to crochet and eat at the same time, after all. :)

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